Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NzzNamespace for zupply
 NcdsNamespace for concurrent data structures
 CNullMutexA null mutex, no cost
 CSpinLockA simple spin lock utilizing c++11 atomic_flag
 NcfgNamespace for configuration related classes and functions
 CArgOptionFor ArgParser
 CArgParserThe ArgParser class. For parsing command line arguments
 CCfgLevelThe CfgLevel struct, internal struct for cfgParser. Tree structure for config sections
 CCfgParserFor INI/CFG file parsing
 CValueFor store/load various type to/from string
 CImageBaseBase image storage class This defines the storage and pixel-wise access to a image like 3-D matrix
 NfmtNamespace for formatting functions
 NfsNamespace for classes adpated to filesystems
 CDirectoryFor filesystem directory operations
 CFileEditorTo modify file This class is derived from UnCopyable, so no copy operation. Move operation is allowed by std::move();
 CFileReaderFor read-only operations. This class is derived from UnCopyable, so no copy operation. Move operation is allowed by std::move();
 CPathTo resolve filesystem path
 NlogNamespace for logging and message stuffs
 CLogConfigThe LogConfig class. For get/set logging configurations
 CLoggerThe Logger class Logger is the object to be called to log some message. Each logger may links to several Sinks as logging destinations
 CProgBarThe Progress bar class. For simple progress bar
 NmathNamespace for math operations
 CPowTemplate meta programming for pow(a, b) where a, b must be natural numbers Use Pow<a, b>::result = a^b, which is computed in compilation rather than runtime
 CPow< B, 0 >
 NmiscNamespace for miscellaneous utility functions
 CCallbackThe general functor Callback class
 NtimeNamespace for time related stuff
 CDateTimeA calendar date class
 CTimerA timer class
 CArgExceptionException for signalling argument errors
 CCastExceptionException for signalling unsuccessful cast operations
 CExceptionAn exception with customized prefix information
 CImageThe Image class. Image container for 8-bit image manipulation including read/write. Image is based on detail::ImageBase
 CImageHdrThe ImageHdr class. Image container specifically good for HDR images which uses 32bit float precison
 CIOExceptionException for signalling unexpected IO errors
 CLogicExceptionException for signalling logic errors
 CMemExceptionException for signalling memory errors
 CPoint_Template 2D point class. The class defines a point in 2D space. Data type of the point coordinates is specified as a template parameter. There are a few shorter aliases available for user convenience. See zz::Point, zz::Point2i, zz::Point2f and zz::Point2d
 CRect_The 2D up-right rectangle class The class represents a 2D rectangle with coordinates of the specified data type. Normally, zz::Rect ~ zz::Rect_<int> is used
 CRuntimeExceptionException for signalling unexpected runtime errors
 CSize_The 2D size class The class represents the size of a 2D rectangle, image size, matrix size etc. Normally, Size ~ Size_<int> is used
 CUnCopyableA not copyable base class, should be inheritated privately
 CUnMovableA not movable/copyable base class, should be inheritated privately
 CWarnExceptionException for signalling warning errors when strict warning is enabled